Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Death or Life?

“’You will not surely die, ‘ the serpent said to the woman.  ‘For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”—Genesis 3:4-5.

Natural death is a separation of the soul from the body.  Natural death began in the Garden but that day we surely died to God.  We separated ourselves from the presence of the Living God.  We chose death instead of Life.  We chose separation, independence from God.  Surely we died to Life and Life abundantly.
            There is only one way back.  That is to choose Life.  The Hebrew word translated life is (ית) chay.  The first letter of life is (י) yod, which means a child’s hand extended to grasp.  The second letter of life is (ת) tau, which is actually a combination of two other letters:  (נ) nun and (ך) daleth.  (ך) Daleth is a broken man and (נ) nun is a crushed man, the Messiah.  So (ת) tau means a broken man embraced by the Messiah; it is the letter representing salvation. So in the Garden the word for Life pictorially represents a child’s hand grasping the salvation wrought by the Messiah.   Why a child’s hand?  Only as a child are we dependent without shame.  Only as a child can we run naked without fear.  Only as a child are we clothed and provided for by our Father.  Our only job as a child is to obey.  We don’t need to figure things out; that’s His job.  We just smother Him in hugs and kisses when he walks through the door.  And He sits down, pulls us on His lap, and tells us stories.  Go sit on your Father’s lap grasping the salvation He offers and choose life!

Father, how I love You!  Forgive me for choosing independence, for exalting myself.  Grant me the gift of repentance.  I choose Life.  I choose being a child of God.  Fill me with Your love so that I won’t hide in fear from Your Presence any more.  But instead I would trust in Your Salvation.  Thank you Jesus, for giving me the victory over death!  Oh Father, be my God and I will be Your child.  Amen.

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