Friday, April 27, 2012

Get Out of Shittim

“Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan where they camped before crossing over.” (Joshua 3:1).
Shittim was the place the Israelites camped at in Numbers 25 when they succumbed to all kinds of sexual immorality along with idolatry as they worshipped the gods of the land. They choose to appease and join with the people of the land.  They sucked up to peer pressure and the culture around them.  You just can’t get to the Promised Land when you’re camped at Shittim.  You see the word Shittim means sticks of acadia wood.  Acadia only grows in very dry, barren land.   Acadia is a wood of scourging thorns used to flog.  Shittim is a place of self-flagellation.  It’s a place where you flog yourself for your past failures. Your just can’t seem to get it together and be like God.  Where you beat yourself until eventually you no longer are able to stand; and the sin that is crouching at your door seizes you.
Joshua showed you the way out of Shittim.  You need to move camp to the JordanJordan means to cast down.  When you camp at the Jordan, the river of life in a barren land; you cast down your self.  You no longer sit on the throne.  You’re being made ready to follow your God, now that you no longer sit as judge and king.
“After three days the officers went throughout the camp giving orders to the people:  ‘When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it.  Then you will know which way to go, since, you have never been this way before.’” (Joshua 3:2-3).
 The Ark of the Covenant was the focal point of the Presence of the Lord.  Now you’ve been made ready to follow the Presence of the Lord.  And He will lead you into the Promised Land.  If you’ve been camped at Shitttim in your life; you need to know that this is a way you’ve never gone before.  Don’t be surprised that you don’t know the way, but trust the Lord and follow Him.  Look for His Presence.  Keep your eyes on the covenant that He made with you on the Cross.
Lord God, You are an awesome God, full of mercy, grace and loving kindness.  Teach us how to move out of Shittim; to break camp with self-condemnation.  Teach us how to cast ourselves down.  Make us ready for Your Presence to be enthroned in our lives.  Help us to keep our eyes focused on the covenant You made with us on the Cross.  Lead us across the Jordan to the Promised Land, where You, O God are the Lord our Righteousness.  Thank you sweet Jesus, Lover of my soul!

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